The Streets, Sidewalks, and Sewers Committee meeting will meet immediately following the announced 5:15 p.m. Special Council Meeting to discuss Mayor's Requests for Legislation #25-02 (Road Salt Competitive Bid Acquisition), #25-03 (Street Sweeper Lease) and #25-04 (Curb Lawn Restoration Program), as well as any other business that may come before them.
The Law and Community Planning Committee will meet immediately following the Streets, Sidewalks, and Sewers Committee to discuss Mayor's Requests for Legislation #25-01 (Mobile Food Unit Vendor's License) and 25#-05 (2025 River and Creek Wall Rehabilitation), as well as any other business that may come before them.
The Recreation and Public Property Committee will meet immediately following the Law and Community Planning Committee to discuss Mayor's Request for Legislation #24-52 (Sale of Louisa K. Fast Park) and #24-53 (Apple Jack Park Project), as well as any other business that may come before them.
All of the above committee meetings with be held in Tiffin City Council Chambers located at 51 E. Market Street.