Follow all rules related to snow street parking

TIFFIN, Ohio – October 18, 2022 – As the temperatures drop and precipitation turns from rain to snow, residents are reminded to prepare for ice and snow events and be mindful of rules regarding parking in certain areas following heavy snow.

Earlier this year, the City of Tiffin expanded its snow emergency streets to include the west side on-street parking lane of Jefferson Street from Coe Street to Main Street. The east side on-street parking lane will remain available during snow events.

Parking is restricted on designated streets during snow emergencies or when snow exceeds two inches (Ord. 303.08-A). These restrictions are in place to allow for snow plows to more easily clear the roads.

Other streets with parking bans during snow events are clearly marked with signs and are located in and near Downtown Tiffin, and include South Washington Street, Madison Street, East Market Street and East Perry Street.

Snow emergency streets

In the event of heavy snow fall, vehicles parked along designated snow emergency routes can and will be towed.

Other items of note during a snow emergency:

  • First and foremost, monitor the weather and adhere to Snow Emergency Classifications. Installing a weather app on your smart phone or mobile device or checking the local news can keep us better prepared.
  • City of Tiffin Public Works’ primary responsibility is to keep Tiffin’s roads open for emergency vehicles. Snow plows clear routes by priority, starting with roads that carry the heaviest volumes of traffic. Depending on the nature of the snow event, local neighborhoods may not be plowed until well after the first snow fall.
  • Remove vehicles from on-street parking spots before the snow if you can. If not, consider moving them after the first plows pass so that snow plow operators can clean the remaining snow and prevent it from freezing. Check mailboxes to make sure their posts are still sound, and keep signs or other decorations back from the street. Wet snow is very heavy, so flimsy or deteriorated roadside items are susceptible to damage.
  • Residents should exercise patience and caution during snowy weather. Stay off the road if possible. Be vigilant, and allow for extra travel time when on the road. When approaching plows, slow down, stay back, and never try to weave between adjacent plow trucks. Give operators a little time and space, and they will get the snow off of the road.
  • During a Level 3 snow emergency, stay off the roads to avoid potential accidents. Residents should also check on neighbors who are elderly and those with medical conditions.
  • Residents should know where the fire hydrants closest to their property are and make sure they are easily accessible by emergency services. Remove any snow and ice about three feet surrounding the fire hydrant and clear a path from the hydrant to the street. This will lessen response times by crews in case of an emergency.

Tiffin Public Works thanks residents for all you do to keep our City beautiful and well-maintained. If you have any questions, please call (419) 448-5430.