April 30, 2024

Regarding Variance Requests 


This notification was also sent to all property owners within a 200' radius of the subject property. 


Whereas, Don & Chelsea Depinet have requested a variance to reduce a setback for a side yard abutting a street from 25' to 1' to install a 6' fence located at 524 East Perry Street, Tiffin, OH 44883. 




Whereas, Wal Street Partners LLC has requested a variance to be exempt from section 1181.04(g), Side and Rear Yard Requirements for Non-Residential Uses Abutting Residential Districts. Non-residential buildings or uses shall not be located nor conducted closer than forty feet (40') to any lot line of a residential district, except that the minimum yard requirements may be reduced to fifty percent (50%) of the requirement if acceptable landscaping or screening approved by the Zoning Inspector is provided. Such screening shall be a masonry or solid fence between four (4') and six (6') feet in height, maintained in good condition, and free of all advertising or other signs. Landscaping shall consist of a strip of land not less than twenty feet (20') in width planted with an evergreen hedge or dense planting of evergreen shrubs not less that four feet (4') in height at the time of planting. Either type of screening shall not obstruct traffic visibility within fifty feet (50') of an intersection. Located at the corner of Wall Street & Fourth Avenue, with the future address of 552 Wall Street, Tiffin, OH 44883


Therefore, the Board has set April 30, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. at City Hall, 51 East Market Street as the time and place for a public hearing of the said matters.