The Tiffin Municipal Arts Commission is partnering with the Seneca County Suicide Prevention Coalition to shed light on mental health concerns and offer support in the community through interactive…
Tiffin Fire/ Rescue will host an open house from 1- 3 pm on Saturday May 25th. This will be held at Fire Station #1, 53 S. Monroe St. The public is invited to stop in, check out the station and…
Rumpke Waste & Recycling will conduct its annual free week of community bulk curbside pickup during the week of June 10-14, 2024. This service is available to residents living within the city…
The City of Tiffin’s Tree Commission received Tree City Recognition and Tiffin’s sixth Growth Award at the Northwest Ohio Tree City USA and Tree Campus Awards Program in Defiance, Ohio on April 17.…
The City of Tiffin is soliciting proposals for a grants administrator to apply for and oversee compliance with the 2024 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.
The contract for grants…
Expect to see certified arborist crews throughout town in the coming weeks as they conduct a full inventory of Tiffin's urban forest. Davey Resource Group, Inc. (DRG) is under contract for this…
Tiffin Fire/Rescue Division announced today that it has been recognized for excellence in policy management and training in 2023 by Lexipol, the nation’s leading provider of policy, training and…
The Tiffin Municipal Arts Commission (TMAC)'s Court Street Market will return for the 2024 summer season, as a part of Downtown Tiffin's Third Thursday event series.
The Market will appear at more…
Aqua has announced plans that will replace the 100-year-old water main along the entire length of Madison street in Tiffin. Crews will increase the size of the main from six-inch to eight-inch in…
Aqua Ohio’s Tiffin Division will conduct water main flushing in the Tiffin Service Area Monday, April 22 and Tuesday, April 23 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Flushing is an important part of Aqua’…