The Post-Construction Storm Water Management Program was developed to ensure that post-construction storm water best management practices (BMPs) are functioning as designed and permitted.

The City of Tiffin requires that all owners of post-construction BMPs submit certified Storm Water BMP As-Builts along with an Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) Agreement to the City Engineer. In addition, the Post-Construction Storm Water Management Program also includes standard operating procedures for long-term inspection and maintenance of permanent storm water facilties. This program includes SOP's and associated documents used to establish and enforce inspection & maintenance standards for post-construction storm water BMPs. The Post-Construction Storm Water Management SOPs include detailed procedures for inspection & maintenance agreements, annual reporting, and enforcement action and escalation. The City is authorized to request and collect facility inspection reports of post-construction storm water BMPs for inclusion into MS4 Annual Reports. In instances where BMPs are not in compliance, the City Engineer is authorized to conduct inspections and require corrective action through issuance of Notice of Violations

Annual Deadline for Submission March 1st
The City Engineer’s Office offers the services of performing the required Post Construction Storm Water BMPs Annual Facility Reports.  If you wish to utilize the services of the City Engineer’s Office, please contact the City Engineer’s Office at 419-448-5425.


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