What is an Illicit Discharge? Any direct or indirect non-storm water discharge to the MS4.

The Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination (IDDE) program is intended to detect and eliminate illicit discharges from the City's MS4 into the Sandusky River. The City uses a combination of mapping, monitoring, and control measures. Tiffin residents are informed of the hazards of illicit discharges and improper disposal of waste through web-based education about pollution control and storm water management themes. City staff will also be properly informed of the hazards of illicit discharges and improper disposal of waste in municipal operations through the implementation of a Good Housekeeping Program. As part of the SWMP, the City has developed ordinance language to effectively prohibit illicit discharges into the storm sewer system and implement appropriate enforcement procedures and actions. A comprehensive storm sewer map will be updated annually to ensure an accurate representation of the MS4 system is being maintained. Dry weather screening will be performed to detect and address any illicit discharges to the MS4, including discharges from illegal dumping and spills. Mechanisms are currently in place through the Seneca County General Health District for investigating, tracing, and eliminating sources for illicit discharges from household sewage treatment systems. The City coordinates with the Seneca County General Health District to document all illicit discharge efforts the the IDDE program.

To report an Illicit Discharge please contact the City of Tiffin Public Works Department at 419-448-5430 between the hours of 7:00-3:00 or after hours please contact 419-447-2323.

Storm Water Page
